Tuesday 14 June 2011

J's first cast 14 June 2011

What a star!

J was smiley and charming (as usual) for most of the time at the hospital (and on the way there and back, despite the early start).

Understandably, as some of the pictures below will show, he wasn't too happy when the actual cast was put on (having your hands held up by one person while another prods you in the back and a 3rd wraps lots of stuff round you is enough to make anyone a bit grumpy). But he was back to his normal smiley self very soon afterwards. What you have to imagine when looking at these is the sound of mummy doing various renditions of his favourite songs (eg Old Macdonald) and all present joining in with the mooing and so on. Plus imitations of the animals on the walls (all covered in cartoon pictures), the mixer (J LOVES the kitchen mixer) and anything else I could think of.

Setting off at 6.30am
Lots of wires to explore - much more interesting than the toys I took along
A toy vacuum cleaner- yay!
First of all there's the stretchy towelling "vest"
Then a piece of padding is inserted at the front - it's removed at the end when the cast has set, and means there's room for the stomach to expand after meals

The special plastic bandage is wrapped round (it "sets" later to make a soft cast a bit like tupperware)
The consultant applies pressure on the area of the spine which needs adjusting

Then felt is applied round the areas which might rub

J spotted a machine that looked like a vacuum cleaner on the floor

The pad is pulled out
Mummy's concentrating on the instructions: keep it dry and clean; don't let J put things down it (yes, I can imagine him doing that!); give a flannel wash (no bath or shower); don't let him play in water or sand; the night before the next appointment, peel off the cast, give J a bath and check the skin (mention any problems next time)

Back on the ward and J's back to his happy self
And to show you how happy he was with the cast afterwards, here are a couple of video clips - he was back to his obsession with wires and machines J

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